The Journey From Innocence to Experience

Lullabies for Little Criminals by Heather O’Neill is a novel about the saddening expedition Baby, the protagonist, makes from being a 12 year old innocent child to becoming an abused 13 year old who wants the world to see her as … Continue reading The Journey From Innocence to Experience

Serial: The Alibi

The podcast, Serial was very interesting to listen to. I am not usually the type to enjoy listening to audiobooks or podcasts, or anything of the sort as I prefer reading myself, but this one really drew my attention. I think maybe due to the fact that the events seem so real by the way the narrator adds actual parts of interviews, and things like that. I had never really considered what a podcast would be like, since before listening to this one I had not heard one before. I feel as if it adds a bit of mystery to … Continue reading Serial: The Alibi